
My wings are tired...

So flying solo can be tiresome. I am not sure where the day went...but it went fast. The nurse was here early to check my incision... says it is ok...but to keep monitoring it. It is funny....they say it is ok, but they don't dare to not come back to look at it in a couple of days... should I be worried about it? They say no, but tell me to keep a close eye on it... ok... I got lunch for myself..some of mom's homemade mac and cheese.. YUMMMMM.... and then company came and before I knew it I had not had a chance to do any exercises or use the cpm machine before physical therapy. (Today's visitors were a couple of ladies from work... they came bearing gifts.... chocolate and Captain Morgan! Good friends!) "P" added some exercises to my routine today that involve me standing up. My right leg was tired after all of them. Oh Yeah... I almost forgot... today when I was making my lunch...without really realizing it I put one of my crutches aside and used only one as I prepared my lunch... I told PT that and she was happy... said that we were going to work on just that today...so... I can start using one crutch...without exhausting myself. I know that mornings are harder because I am stiffer, so I will use both crutches, but throughout the day I am slowly going to transition to one crutch... YAY! How cool is that?

The rest of the day I was lazy... didn't exercise as much as I should have... and am just now in my CPM machine. What did I do? Watched movies...while having a fan blow on the back incision, hoping it would speed up the drying out process. We'll see if it helped. Tomorrow I need to be more disciplined...maybe because mom wasn't here I got a little lax....but if I want to be able to drive... I can't be lax... need to do the exercises...even if they make me tired...and sweaty....

The pain is at a good place now...though I am worried that as the exercises become more demanding it will increase, so I am trying to keep an eye on it. So much to do in a day.... good thing it is summer vacation....I don't think I could work right now...and recover... not enough energy for both....

Time for bed.

1 comment:

Brian, Jill, Ava & Andrew said...

Sounds like you are doing well by yourself. I was wondering if you received the card I sent. I remember your invitation to our wedding didn't reach you. Just checking! ;) Two weeks from Wed. is our vacation. We will be visiting you on Thurs., Aug. 23. Hope you're up for it! :)

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