
Free from the SOCKS

That's right... no more socks for me...no more socks for me.... ha ha ha ha ha ha.... Yahooooo.... It was soooooooooooooo nice to not have those things on my legs... after three weeks...FREE at last!!!

No big news to share today other than the socks...Physical therapist "P" came by today and seemed satisfied with what I am doing, but wants me to be able to bend my knee more than I can right now... so she threatened me.... EEK... at the beginning of last week she had done some stretches with me that involved her pushing my knee...bending it further than I could get it to go... and it hurt... a lot.... for days.... Well... if there isn't much improvement by Friday.... she is going to do it again... so that I won't see her again until Monday and I will have lowered my hatred for her by then. So that does not sound pleasant. So tonight I used the CPM machine for a long time... as I was watching 24...season 1... which I am now addicted to.

"P" was the only person who stopped by today...which in a way was good because I had time to myself... I do love seeing people, but today I was able to really be relaxed...not that I don't relax with my friends around.... I am not sure how to say it without sounding like I don't want people to come.... because I DO WANT people to come...but today was the first day since before surgery that I..well...could just be...I think it re-energized me a little...making me ready for more company later in the week.

I couldn't sit in my truck today...so I am worried about the pedicure for Friday...I hope I can get in by then... so tomorrow I may spend a lot of time out there, trying to do it... cross your fingers for me. I want it so bad.

My incision I think is healing... today after doing things like the CPM machine and some of my exercises, there were traces of blood on things...but not the yellowy stuff... I take that to be a good thing....thinking that is has healed over and the blood is from when the scab is stretched... pleasant I know...but this is my life people...it still isn't pretty...I will try to post new pics of the incisions/scars soon.

I am going to keep this short because I am in Harry Potter mode... I had begun reading it while in Boston, then took a break for a while, but picked it up again today and it is getting good... so it is pulling me away from you......for now.
Hope you all are well.

1 comment:

Brian, Jill, Ava & Andrew said...

Hey there-

I really enjoyed talking the other night. It was good to catch up with you. Congrats on losing the socks...I bet it is easier to deal with the humidity without those things. I am crossing my fingers that you get to have your pedicure on Friday. I'm sure those nails are looking quite shabby by now. =o) Ava thinks "Kimp" should have bright pink toenails. You can take that for what it's worth. ;)

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