

[This is the painting I made for my parents for Christmas. After I wrote this blog entery...it seemed to fit.]

Last night I went to visit Sara and Phil. Our friends, Matt, Melissa and their son, recently moved in with them. It was great to spend time with everyone. My friendship with all of them is incredible. Sara and Phil have been a part of my life since college. To define my relationship with them as friends doesn't represent it accurately. Sara and Phil have become family to me. Through them I have become acquainted with Matt, Melissa, and their son Tobias. I have not known them very long, but over the last year or so I definitely consider them close friends. We all sat in Sara and Phil's living room last night and I was struck by how fortunate I am.

This started when I met Sara in college, in a weight training class. We were friendly, but never spent time together outside of that class. Two years later I had been living with two of my friends and decided to move out, on my own. Sara took my place in the apartment and we spent time together. Sara and Phil were together at that point so I also slowly got to know Phil as well. My first teaching job was close to where Sara had grown up and we spent more time together. Somewhere along the way I would say we became soul sisters and Phil is now my big brother. Phil met Matt and Melissa, who were not yet married, through his job. Eventually Phil started coaching with Matt. Matt and Melissa then started dating and got married and Phil and Sara grew closer with Matt and Melissa which is how I have come to know them.

I was sitting with four people whose characters could be described as too good to be true. Each of them are kind, generous, loving, caring, and genuine. To find those qualities in such high quantity is rare. I realize its uniqueness... and am in awe that I am lucky enough to share my life with them. We sat together last night and talked...talked about so many things. As cheesy as it may sound, our lives could be made into a movie for the Lifetime for women channel. We aren't always politically correct, we may tell each other how badly someone's feet stink, and we may belch without holding back, but the respect and affection we have for each other is amazing.

Phil and Matt are true gentlemen. If I ever find a man who is like them I will be so lucky...I envy Sara and Melissa for the relationships they have. The regard that they all have for each other, as husband and wife, is precious.

Last night, the scene in Sara and Phil's living room was like a family gathering. Phil and Matt were playing video games on one side of the living room while contributing to the conversation Melissa, Sara, and I were having. We talked about our strength, as women. We talked about my knee. It is such a safe place to talk about things and to get support. My family of friends complimented me on handling things well and being strong. And even though there are so many days when I feel I am weak and not handling this at all well, I believe them. They do not say things to simply make me feel better...yes we are there to help each other through things, but we are honest with each other. So I believe that I am handling it well. I know there will be days that self-doubt will creep in, but I know that I am doing ok. My friends reflect that back to me.

We also talked about something Melissa and Matt have been facing since the birth of their son over a year ago. Tobias has reactions to various foods. Melissa has sought out help for her and her family. The amount of research she has done and the hours spent pouring over material have given her son the gift of health. Along with Matt, she has completely changed her eating habits and it is paying off. They are a beautiful, beautiful family. Sara paid a compliment to them last night, saying that she will be a better mother one day because of watching Melissa and Matt be parents. I share Sara's belief.

Another part of our conversation last night was about faith and religion. We shared our personal beliefs about christianity and spirituality. None of us attend church regularly, though we all had religious affiliations, or at least our parents did, as we grew up. We talked about believing in a higher power and about not finding a religion to which our beliefs seem to be congruent. I mentioned two books that I have read and re-read and often go back to... "Conversations with God" and "The Celestine Prophecy." These are books that articulate some of my beliefs. Both books claim that coincidences don't exist. Think about that for a moment. There are no coincidences... So does this mean that fate and destiny constantly guide us? I am not sure that I would credit my path in life strictly to fate and destiny, but I will say that sitting with these people last night, I knew...absolutely knew...that these people are in my life because it is meant to be. I believe...believe that we do have control over our lives...that we have free choice...but I do believe that there are powers that be that are a part of our lives.

In that living room, five thirty something adults from different parts of Maine... all of whom are college educated, whose parents are all still married, who appreciate nature, sat...together...supporting, sharing, laughing, and eating some organic chocolate... together.... coincidence? I think not...

So when I wonder about all of the crap with my knee... I take comfort in knowing that it is happening for a reason... I do not yet understand that reason, but my life is full... "my cup runneth over" as they say and, for today, I know I am where I am supposed to be, know I am with the people I am supposed to be with.

To Sara, Phil, Melissa, Matt, and Tobias...... I got nothing but love. Thank you all...for being.


Anonymous said...

Nice post but I must take issue with the whole meant to be thing. Yes I think there is more out there but we have no clue what it is. But the idea that things happen for a reason? I don't belive that anymore. You mention the good things but I can't believe that rape and murder and cancer happen for a reason. We have the time we have, good and bad. Enjoy it, live it but there is no reason for it. We find the people we find because of who we are not because they are rare out there. It just is. But then, I could be wrong...Rico.

TallGal said...

Thanks Rico...your point is a good one...I need to think on it for a while.

My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place