
Special medication for my I.V.???

Do you think that the doctors would approve filling my IV line with Captain Morgan Spiced Rum? With Diet Coke? and a Lime??? Hmmmmm? I doubt it...

This blog may be a little choppy... when my head is full, it tends to unload in a random manner.

Today is my last day at home...pre surgery... I was a little less stressed today than I thought I would be. Maybe that is because my parents are here and we stayed busy today. They got here around noon time and immediately picked up some sandwiches for lunch and drove to the ocean... We sat by the ocean for about a half hour or so, appreciating the relief from the humidity felt more inland. Then the air changed...we all felt it, and we knew it was going to rain. Not long thereafter a park ranger approached us and told us that due to the thunder storm that was quickly approaching, we needed to wait in our vehicle for the storm to pass. The storm did not pass so we left and ran some errands. We came home and I cooked dinner...Mom offered to do it, but I told her she will be cooking enough for me, so I could manage tonight. I also mixed up and baked some cinnamon muffins for breakfast... while I was at it, I figured...why not. Then tonight, Mom kicked my butt (my word free butt) at canasta... nice mom, beating me before surgery... ha ha ha...On a more serious note... is there a vehicle that I can stay in while this whole surgery "storm" passes? nope.... I gotta stand out in the open field and see where lightening is going to strike.....what the cards hold...

Speaking of cards... my sister, Lola, is in Salem, MA. She has been there exploring the witchiness of the area. She had a tarot card reading and was told that there was an event coming up, I think medical, for someone. Lola mentioned that I was having surgery... the woman told her that this has been a hard struggle for me and that the surgery will be hard, but that it will have the desired outcome... so apparently I am going to get my knee fixed, and... if all goes as I want it to.... I will find some wealthy doctor while I am there... I will recover quickly...fly to Vegas to get married... flying first class of course... and then go to Hawaii....Ok... maybe I will settle for a good surgery outcome...

My parents are going to carry my computer to the hospital for me...I had planned on putting my computer in this pink bag that I have that would be very convenient... however...Mothah told me that Fathah would be the one carrying the laptop and that pink just isn't his color... so ... I found another bag. This means that I will hopefully be able to blog... I may not write much...but as soon as I can... I will.

I can't believe this is it... But I want it to be behind me.... Tonight I am going to try to sleep well and think about my mountain... how peaceful it is there... how serene.

I will try to feel the breeze and smell the trees and hear the sound of my kayak paddle in the river... and feel the warmth of the campfire and of the people surrounding it... and picture the bright stars in the sky...

I am going to have a drink tomorrow night... Yes... the captain and I will spend a few minutes together, with lime of course... and I will raise my glass... to health and friendship... I love you all, and look forward to spending time with you all after this adventure...



Maineman said...

Hi Tallgal,

You have your surgery here, and I have to say that you are incredibly well spirited! You are going to have the desired outcome indeed. The tarot card reading that your sister recieved may say something very true in all of this. It's good to hear that your parents and family are so close to you right now. Your images and ideas of the mountain, breeze and smell of the trees while kayacking are a good way to feel relaxed and at ease. It's like gearing yourself up while having a good mindframe.

I will stay in touch, as you go through with your surgery. And I see the best possible outcome, a successful one. And many happy times ahead for you. Best of luck to you. You are going to be fine. You always have been :-) All the best to you.

Brian, Jill, Ava & Andrew said...


Sorry I missed your call last night. My cell was in my purse and I didn't hear it ring. I didn't see that you had called until about 10 my time, far too late to call you back. :( I will call after your surgery, but I will wait a few days...so you don't feel bombarded and can get some rest. Take care of yourself..and let your family help you. Even independent women can accept help sometimes! ;)
Love ya!

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My Favorite Place