
Knee Progress

I had PT today and there is good news. My left knee, PVNS knee, is bending almost as far as my right knee...that's good... also, the straightening is coming along more and more. I am starting to do some exercises at PT other than the bike and having them forcing it to straighten and bend. I have started doing some lunges with my left leg...with my left foot up on a stool that is probably 12" high. Today I also did some squats...and I can't remember the last time I had done squats without pain... I actually went deeper than the PT wanted me to...he told me to not go that deep yet... imagine that... me doing squats too deep...without pain!!! I really want to try to figure out how I can start going to the gym. I want to see if I could go to the gym and do the bike and maybe some weight training with my arms. I know I can't do things like abs yet because I don't think I can get up and down to the floor....and that would not be pretty...especially at the gym. But I do want to start having my outside match my inside...meaning I want to get back to that healthy energetic me that I was before all this PVNS crap started.

I thought of Gramie a lot today during PT...and how it hurt...and how I had told Gramie that PT, even when it hurts, is good for us... so...I did it... all the reps they told me to do...

Thanks for everyone for sending me their thoughts and prayers... I appreciate it...I am glad people add comments... I feel your support.

1 comment:

Brian, Jill, Ava & Andrew said...

Cheers for the progress you are making ***clap, clap, whistle*** Ava says "Go Kimp!" I'm really happy that your knee is so much better. You have some friends here in CA that are waiting until you're strong enough for a little vacation. =o)

It is nice when we can think of "moments" with loved ones who are no longer with us...isn't it? Sometimes it gives us that extra "push" we might need. Been thinking of you often and always wishing you the best. Love ya.

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