
The beach...

I forgot my camera tonight... and realized it when I was about half way to the beach... and decided not to go get it. I should have though... so you could all see the sunset... it was beautiful! There was a moment when the light in ths sky changed...felt like when you are in a bar/restaurant and they dim the lights on you...the sky went form blues and yellows to purple...almost instantly. I broke two if my beach rules today.... the first being that I automatically go barefoot... I broke that because I was trying to carry a chair and a crutch...and a bag that had a sandwich and an iced tea in it....so I figured I couldn't also carry my flip flops.... the other rule that I broke... I ALWAYS have to feel the water on my feet... I have to be in the water...at least up to my ankles... not today... the water was filled with...well... I am not sure exactly...maybe algae...did I even spell that right? It was this brownish reddish stuff that washed up and it almost looked like the ocean was bleeding... which matched the mood of the ocean... looking out over the ocean today it was quite calm...small rises, yet, when the waves met the sand, it was loud and fairly good sized waves considering the calmness there... I did walk in the sand...which my friends...is not easy when one does not have complete balance... I managed and did have a crutch to help...but the crutch sank a little in the sand so... it was not perfect... BUT... that was the first time I have been to the beach since surgery...since before July 17th!!! That is CRAZY... I left my chair in the back of my truck so that maybe I will return to the beach after school sometime this week when I don't have PT. My knee feels pretty good, though I feel a little bit of a...well...not a pop...but a little something when I straighten my leg when I walk...so I am not sure what that is all about. It doesn't hurt, and doesn't make a sound, but I feel it. It feels strange.... Overall it was a good weekend... I was a little unsettled last night...so I ran errands and went to a bookstore...I didn't want to be with anyone, but didn't want to be alone... so I was alone while I was with people....

Tomorrow is a big day... I am once again going to do the Dr. Phil food plan...so I can get the weight off that I have gained throughout this PVNS process...I have to figure out my goals still, but I know that tomorrow is the first day...and I am excited about it. Hold me accountable blog buddies....remind me to fill you all in on how I do with the healthy eating...

Hope you all had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Maybe you need a sort of 'snowshoe' attachment for your crutch so you can more easily use it on the beach. :-D

I'll help hold you accountable for the healthy eating! I'm back on track again to get off some extra *summer* weight I gained with all our family outings and entertaining. Let me know if you want to be email buddies!

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