
First Day of School

Today was the first day of school with kids. It went well. The way that our school is designed there are three grade levels and within each grade level there are three teams. Typically we have a school wide schedule, but today each team got to do what they wanted to do. This meant that for me, because I see kids from two grades and a total of four teams, I did not get to see all of my kids and didn't see them in the groups that they will be in once we get into a regular routine. It was cool getting to know a little about the kids today. My knee felt pretty good today...knock on wood. I was able to keep my leg elevated and got to do a little icing. Tomorrow I have to make sure I do the same thing because I have physical therapy after school..that reminds me I need to pack clothes to take..can't do PT all dressed up for work...right? Maybe if there was a hot therapist who wasn't married....but I have yet to find him.

I gotta say that I am very happy to be back at work. Although I could have handled getting paid for just hanging out....my dream job is to be a professional vacationer... but I have yet to find that listed in the classifieds... But being back at work is good...knowing that I will be working with kids and getting to know them. Meeting them today was fun...their personalities are so different. I had some kids who were painfully shy and others who craved the spotlight...so interesting. I love it. I have to say that having to focus on something besides my knee is refreshing. I am tired today, but think that I am getting stronger. I didn't use my crutches all day today...but used them when I left my classroom. So hopefully I will get rid of them soon... fingers crossed.

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