Silent Rebellion
Today is Feb. 14. This is a day that evokes many emotions in people. In me... it evokes distaste. Perhaps it is because I have never had a really romantic Valentine's Day... and have yet to receive flowers... or candy... even when I was dating someone... so bitter would not be an untrue description. In fact, last night I went online searhing for just the right graphic to put on here today... and didn't find one... but found some things that made me chuckle... one site sold t-shirts that were anti Valentine's Day... and compared to those shirts, I am a huge fan of this day. I did find a saying that stuck with me....'you can't spell relationship without - s h i and t. I thought that was pretty appropriate. I also went through a phase where I thought that if I hated cupid he would continue to... not shoot me... that sounds weird... but you know what I mean, so I tried to treat him with more respect. This year.. with the picture above I am bribing him with beer... At school today, the kids were supposed to wear Valentine's colors... I wore green... in a silent rejection of the day... on a color wheel, what color is opposite of red? GREEN. So that was my way of being anti red and pink today... and while it wasn't something I announced to people... I knew it... and that was all that mattered... kind of like when I have my toenails painted and nobody knows... I know... and I like it!
Anyway... I have opted to not read tonight... but to just sit instead. and watch Survivor. I did not go to the gym today.. my knees are feeling pretty bad today... think part of that was the boots I wore today... I did not dare not to wear boots because it was so slippery, but they are not the most comfortable shoes.. and a good reminder that I need to bring alternate sneakers to work if I need to wear them... It was bad today... slippery wise... I twisted my knee several times... grrr... and am less than happy about that.
Is it spring yet??? Not yet....
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