
Deep Thoughts...

I had a lot of deep thoughts today...and told myself I would remember them for my blog... and here I am writing my blog and the only thing I can think about is this crazy dream I had the other night....so I guess that's what you get... I dreamt that I was spending the night at the house of one of my childhood friends. Her mom and my mom are still very close. When I was a kid and stayed there overnight I used to wake up well before the rest of the people in the house...and I would lay there...waiting for some sign of life... which I somehow incorporated into this dream... Now you gotta know that my dreams are very vivid... colorful... detailed... So... I was staying at this house and got up before everyone else and crept downstairs... I was amazed to look out the sliding glass door that leads to the deck and see that the lawn was under water...and a dolphin was on the deck.. appearing to struggle to get back into the water. I thought about going out to push the dolphin back in the water, but also wanted to help to have the opportunity to touch such an amazing animal. Then.. just as I was about to open the glass door, I saw a huge wave coming and the dolphin freed itself and returned to the water...Then I noticed that through the chain linked fence at the back of the yard (there was no chained link fence there in real life!) three huge whales were swimming fast... they were powerful creatures... and fast... at that point someone else came and stood beside me and we were scared about the whales charging the house.... the whales were orcas... but they were bad asses... they had mowhawks, tattoos, and piercings... and they positioned themselves so that they could look at us.. directly in the eyes... and as they began swimming toward the house, we closed the drapes and ran upstairs hoping to get away from them... but when we looked out the windows of the upstairs bathroom...they were circling the back yard.... that's it... that's all I can remember. What does that mean?

While you shake your head and think...whoa this chick is messed up... I will tell you that I stayed home from work yesterday... was so tired that I just needed sleep. Today I don't feel much better, but knew I had to go to work. I hope I am not getting mono... that would suck. I did go to the gym tonight...and may have done too much... I did some of the weight machines for my legs... and they were hard... my left leg really is still much weaker than my right leg... amazing how much surgery can take out of you...

I MUST mention an email that I received from a woman who has read my blog. She has a daughter who is only 9 who has been diagnosed with PVNS and has had surgery. That little girl has been on my mind soo much since receiving that email... You all know that I am not a religious person, but I believe in the power of positive thoughts...so please all take a few minutes to send some positive energy into the world for this little girl who has PVNS...and hopes that she will recover and be able to return to being a typical kid! It is hard to go through this as an adult.. but I can't imagine being so young... and also can't imagine being the parent of such a young child experiencing something like this.... This mom is an awesome mom though... she has been such a strong advocate for her daughter... and her health care. Good Job!

I am off to bed... yes.. it's early... but I am beat and have two meetings tomorrow...back to back.. fun... I am not as prepared as I should be, but I will do ok...due to the nature of these meetings.

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My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place