
Productive? Maybe.

I have been doing laundry for what seems like days and days.... I rearranged my bedroom sometime last week and decided it would be a good chance to rearrange my clothes too... given the craziness of the last few months... I admit that many loads of clean laundry got thrown about and with four cats... quickly needed additional laundering... so I decided I would rewash everything and actually put each item where it belongs. Washing and drying and putting away... fun stuff... I did get away from it yesterday... went to hang out with Meg... she lives in the western part of the state and from the deck of her house the view is gorgeous... some of the white mountains...

We sat our on her deck, had some chips, salsa, and guacamole, oh yeah, and beverages... we then grilled dinner and played canasta... and I won! (One of these days she is going to get lucky!) We had a lot of laughs... and it felt good. We then watched the Celtics game... and I have to say that there was lots of craziness in that game...Meg and I are both sporty girls and we were both yelling at the players and officials... maybe not yelling, but complaining a lot...unfortunately I did not sleep well... I had a lot of crazy dreams... including one where I was hiding from grizzly and black bears... (explained by the fact I have been watching Stranger Among Bears on animal planet...) And I was wide awake by about 6:30 this morning ... We hung out for a bit this morning, had breakfast, went for a short walk... and I felt like I needed to get home... which is strange because I haven't really felt settled being at home... but wanted to get back anyway...I got back fairly early... 11 ish... and have been pretty productive today.... did more laundry...vacuumed... and throwing out some crap that has been sitting around for way too long... I have more things I want to do this afternoon... but am taking a break...

My landlords stopped by today... they were showing the apartment above me which is still empty... and we talked briefly about renewing my lease... I am excited because they are going to give me access to the garage, which means that I will have a safe place to store one of mom's kayaks...

It's kind of a gray day today... I hope the week gets a little sunnier....

oh... for the record... my dad's email to the former minister went through... and he got a response... telling him that his email was harassing in nature and that if he sent another email, the police would be involved... WHAT?!! are you crazy.... That is such crap.... people are UNbelievable...

1 comment:

Maineman said...

Good to hear that you are out spending time with friends, TallGal. I'm sure your cats miss you, and they'll swoop you when you come home. But it's nice that you are having some company and enjoying the Celts and having some fun too. Yelling at the TV, the refs..LOL That's funny! That sounds familiar when I watch some games. So long as they won, right?
Next....Round 2...yeah!

Don't worry about that stupid minister. He has shown what kind of minister he is. Inconsiderate, selfish, and insensitive. I doubt the police would back a harrassment claim if they knew what he did to warrant an e-mail in the first place. Right!..Some people are unbelievable. If he did it once, he'd probably do it again elsewhere, so I'm sure full-karma will catch up with him one day. Don't worry TallGal, your Dad did the right thing, and your mom is likely smiling with approval :-) Take good care. I hope you have a good week.

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