
Asthma Sucks

After mom died I had some pretty major asthma symptoms...and was put on a steroid inhaler... which I finished using yesterday. (It had a certain number of doses in it.) Hoping I wouldn't need another round, I haven't called my doc to see if I should refill it or not... but tonight I answered that question for myself... I need it.

Tonight I went for a bike ride... and now, being home, I am quite wheezy. (Not the Wheezy from The Jeffersons!) So... tomorrow I will call my doc for a refill... better to be on it and be able to enjoy activities than be off it and suffer afterwards I suppose.

I did enjoy my bike ride... and went solo tonight. My biking partner was working late...which would have been the perfect excuse NOT to go...but I had promised myself a workout today and really wanted to be outside because it looks like the weather will not be conducive to biking the rest of this week... so I decided I would go... I called one of my neighbors, who is also a friend, and told her where I was going and about how long I expected to be gone. Perhaps that is a bit paranoid, but, my mother's voice was in my head telling me that if I ended up in a ditch somewhere, nobody would know it... so... I called my friend and she was happy I did... or at least pretended to be. I do think it was smart.. plus I do take my cell phone with me, just in case I need it.

The ride was challenging... crossing a couple of busy roads, riding next to some fast moving cars (but in a wide shoulder I promise!), and there were some hills... I had a specific place in mind, where I wanted to use as my halfway point. I stopped a couple of times and considered turning around at those points, but pushed myself to my goal, and made it. I rode the entire way until I got very close to my house, which is on a good sizes hill, and gave myself permission to walk up it... Other than the wheezing, which is decreasing, I feel great...

I am proud of myself for how active I have been recently and look forward to it continuing.... after all I must get in shape for my October goal...I am going to walk a half marathon... which is 13.1 miles... definitely not as prestigious as running a half or full marathon, but it will be an accomplishment for me! (And... I wouldn't mind eventually getting the biker physique... especially the legs!)

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