

I am happy to report that Spring has officially arrived in Maine... even in northern Maine. The sun is shining and temperatures were in the mid to upper 70s yesterday! I love it when the sun starts shining in the spring... flowers are coming up... and ahhhh... it just feels good after being bogged down by the snow...

I am once again up north.. visiting mom and dad. This week is my vacation week from school. I will be busy... here, visiting and working on my graduate work, meeting up with my class partner later in the week to finalize our paper... then moving.. next Saturday... Yippee! I am happy that I will be moving at that time, because whatever the movers don't do in the few hours I am hiring them for... I can do in the following few days. It will be nice to get moved in... and unpack... which will take time I know. But.. it's a new beginning.

Mom is doing ok... she is starting to feel some of the side effects of the chemo that she started taking Tuesday... she is dizzy... but so far tolerating it, and still keeping small amounts of food in her system. I asked her if she had been drinking much since she is supposed to with her chemo, but she said she isn't drinking as much as she is supposed to, but she is doing the best she can. I agree... and I think her best is pretty good! She has sat outside for a 15-30 minutes the last coulpe of days, soaking up some sun and feeling the benefits of spring. Today she talked about camping this summer. Yay... I so want mom and dad to set their camper up, as usual, and spend their summer along the edge of the river in the shadow of a beautiful mountain.

I thought a lot on my way up here yesterday... about relationships... counting on people. It's a lot to think about. Not sure I can articulate it here... yet.. or if I really want to... but... it's funny how something in life changes... and things that you thought would be constant... aren't...

So that's where I am blog buddies...up north... and I am glad to be here...

1 comment:

Brian, Jill, Ava & Andrew said...

WHAT??!! NO MORE SNOW? But it's ONLY April! You sound so disappointed. =o) I am happy to report that it has only been in the high 80's here so far...I won't be so happy when it's 110+.

It's good that you are getting to spend some time in Lincoln. I'm sure everyone enjoys that. Best of luck on the move...I am hoping that you get some quiet neighbors this time.

Sending feel better wishes to your Mom...

My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place