
Moved In!?

Moving is not terrible when you have movers do all the work for you! While waiting around this morning was hard...very hard. It was worth it. In about 2.5 hours about 98% of my stuff was loaded into the moving truck and unloaded at my new apartment. Granted, unpacking will be challenging... though fun... I have my bathroom almost set up... well... I have the shower curtain up and a few other things... it's functional... as well as the kitchen. I have soooooooo much cupboard space... I need to go shopping! It will be so nice to cook in a kitchen that has cupboards! The cats are settling in... they are a little timid of going up and down the stairs to the basement... new for them. Poor Sheldon really does it one step at a time... I hope it gets more automatic for her. I am sore...my knee hurts... from being on my feet a lot today... but I feel good knowing that so much is done. I have a lot to do still.. but... ahhh... a relief... one thing off my plate...

And in other wonderful news... mom and dad went for a ride today... all the way to their favorite spot... which happens to be my favorite place too...the mountain... the river...YAY... mom did well... sooo glad she was up for the trip!

Almost forgot... pics coming soon!

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My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place