
Which shoe will drop next?

Just when you start to be comfortable with uncomfortable circumstances, crap happens... My mom had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I am still processing it all... I am not sure how to react... but my anxiety has increased since yesterday. (For the record, it is never nonexistent.) Apparently in addition to a massive tumor being attached to her kidney, there is now also a cyst. I am unsure if the cyst is attached to her kidney, to the tumor, or to both... I am not sure if the tumor is encapsulated by the cyst... and I am not sure my parents know at this point either.. because I think they were a little shocked and didn't quite know how to process it all either... Anyway... my mom's doctor took her case in front of a panel of surgeons and oncologists and the consensus is that the cyst needs to be removed. Not removing the tumor will result in it rupturing... and I am not sure what the consequences of that would be, because I don't know the nature of the cyst...but the doctors are concerned and said it would be an emergency situation. So... they think my mom will need to have another surgery...there is no timeline right now... but she will be meeting with a team of doctors who are urologist oncologists... I think... they may remove the cyst and while they are at it, "de-bulk" the tumor.

There are lots of things I do not understand... de-bulking... if that is a possibility, why was it not a possibility when she had her last surgery in March, when the docs opened her up and closed her up without removing anything because of its complexity and location of the tumor... has the medication made it so that this inoperable tumor has become operable?

They also learned that her medication may not continue to work... the docs anticipate that the cancer will outsmart the meds... so then what?

Mom and Dad said, it could be a mix of good and bad news... good, that mom could get some physical relief from having the cyst and possibly part of the tumor removed...good I suppose, because the docs would get a first hand picture of what is going on in there.... bad...because the cyst threatens my mom's life in a new way... bad...because the development of a cyst means that there is something not right going on... bad...because they said it is possible that the cyst could have elements that could put toxins into her body...

What I KNOW.. is this... this Thanksgiving... means a lot... and... every day is precious.

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