
Who knew?

Who knew shopping could be so much fun? I have never been one of those people who loves to shop, but this weekend, I shopped A LOT, and LOVED it...
Yesterday, after work, I headed south west to part of NH I had never been... to visit... JILL!!  Yup... she is here, all moved in, and settled, and it was so good to see her and her family.  I got to her house around 3:30 and she and the kids and I hung out until her husband came home... and Jill and I left him with the kids and went shopping.. I thought we were shopping more for her than for me, but... it didn't work out that way!  And... I thought I was going to hold off until I moved into buy stuff for my new place, but...with Jill's help, I found several things that will go with my painting! Jill is AWESOME at seeing things that will work in a room.  She's got the 'eye; for it!  I LOVE that the painting has so many colors in it... that means I get to find really funky colorful things to have as accents.  SOOOOO excited to get things set up.  Today she and I took her kids to a lake for some swimming and then I headed south, towards Boston to do some clothes shopping.  I planned on making two stops... but didn't need the third place... At the first store (after I finally found it) I bought a couple of shirts and a skirt that was on sale... then at the second store I found crazy bargains!!!  Unfortunately the store is going out of business... it's one of the few places I can buy tall pants & jeans... but this meant CRAZY sales... Everything was on sale for 75% off regular price!  Granted... some of the items I bought I cannot yet wear, because they are winter clothing.. a few sweaters...but I spent $91 and got 3 sweaters, 4-5 pair of pants/jeans, a couple shirts, and a dress.. yahoo!!!  Hitting this sale more than made up for the crazy Boston traffic... It took me about an hour to go ten miles at one point... as Jill would say,  Misery.
I am so happy that Jill is no longer 3000 miles away!  3 hours is way better than 3000 miles!  Our adventures are just beginning!!!
Tonight's task: Laundry... packing up to spend the week with Sis and the boys at the ocean!  Life is good...really really good!  I have to keep telling myself that because I admit that I get scared that things are going to suddenly crumble... because history, as they say, repeats itself... and there was a pretty long run of misery... but... I am trying to accept and embrace all of this good fortune... Thank you Universe!!!

1 comment:

Brian, Jill, Ava & Andrew said...

BEST shopping trip EVER! Even if there was an occasional
"Michael text ". (How dare he cut in on my time!) ;)
See you later in the month!!

My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place