
Eye candy guy is not very sweet...

So... my fear about my eye candy guy at the gym has come true. I have enjoyed watching him from afar for a while and had this fantasy that in addition to being attractive, he was also articulate, outgoing, friendly, witty, and intelligent. Within the last couple of months I hadn't seen him much because I hadn't been going to the gym in the morning, however one morning that I was there I was forced to greet him because I was leaving the gym and his vehicle was parked close to mine and had I not greeted him it would have come across as being snobby... so we exchanged greetings then did the nod thing, you know the nod of acknowledgement once you have become somehow familiar with someone. Well yesterday morning I saw him at the gym... he was doing some weight training when I was leaving and it was another of those weird moments... I crossed his path and there was brief eye contact... then he did the look away thing... how rude! I don't do the look away thing to people who have made eye contact ... at least not without a small smile of acknowledgement. So eye candy guy has lost his appeal. Must find new piece of eye candy... So.. like the image above, he's not what it seems or what I hoped... the image above is a painting of a box of chocolates. So... not as sweet as you would think.... oh well. I will find another gym crush...

I have been to the gym three days in a row. Today my workout was not as good as I would have liked, but my knee was actually hurting a little. I am not sure why... but I listened to my body and called it a day. It makes me nervous of course, but it could also be getting used to my new flashy sneakers... I am going to swim tonight ... I have decided that my evening activities, whether a walk or a swim will be bonus activities, not what I count on for being healthy.

Today I was able to get into a skirt that I had bought this summer when I saw it on sale and told myself I would get into it by the beginning of the school year... so... since this is still Sept. I would say I met that goal. I felt good in it too, which makes a big difference. One of my good friends, Sheila, is a very good ego booster. She compliments me daily on what I wear and how I look... and I appreciate it, but also egotistically want other people to start noticing too... is that a bad thing? vain perhaps? I have had to buy some new clothes just so that I don't look sloppy... and soon I will be able to dig back into what I have in my closet from when I had lost weight before....

Oh... I bought a motivational shirt!!! It is so cute and it was on sale for $5... so I bought it... a tank top, sooo cute... in the sixe I want to get back to... and I hope that maybe by mid to late summer '09 I will be able to wear it. It is adorable... maybe I will post a picture of it so when ya'll see me in it you will know I am in a good healthy size!

Gotta run, my ride to the pool is here!

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