It's a Twister, It's a Twister!!
My facebook status today read, "What.A.Day."
This blog began as a way for me to record my journey with PVNS, its struggles as well as many moments of success.The posts have slowly been moving away from PVNS as has my life, but PVNS(pigmented villonodular synovitis) is still a part of my life....I hope others can read my experiences and feel less isolated. My surgery was July 17th 2007, and the posts after that date include pics of the incisions/scars. Best of luck to other PVNS patients/survivors!
My facebook status today read, "What.A.Day."
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7:55 PM
So after having been sick last weekend I was glad that this weekend I felt up for a bit of socializing. On Friday after work I headed out to meet up with some of my old coworkers. It was nice to see people and catch up... Some of my favorite people were not there and I missed them. As much as I enjoyed seeing the people from my old job, it was a good reminder of how much I don't miss my old job. I didn't stay too long because I needed to head back to go to some basketball games. While I was watching the girls game one of the boys came up to me and had a big grin on his face and informed me I owed him a pair of socks... He's a kid who is on the jv team and swings up to join the varsity team as well. His time on the varsity squad thus far is more about keeping water cups filled for the rest of the team.... on jv however, he is an integral part of the team. He has amazing court awareness and is very strong. He is a team player which I fin is becoming increasingly rare... One of the games I watched him play in was one in which he got hammered by a couple of players on the other team... and had he fallen when he got hit, he would have gotten an offensive foul, a charge, called against the other team... I had talked to him after that and told him he could have taken the charges and he kind of laughed... I told him that when I was in college my coach gave away pairs of socks for every charge someone took and made him the same offer... So even though I didn't see him take the charge, he did it! I was excited that he was excited to tell me about it and today I bought him the socks he prefers. I will give them to him tomorrow. Other kids at the game overheard our conversation and some of the guys asked me how they could get a pair of socks! (I must come up with more difficult tasks, socks of choice were pretty pricey!! $14 a pair!! Or.. buy a bunch of cheaper socks to hand out, not giving them choices!) Friday night I was planning on staying for both games, but at 9:00 I hit a wall and I was exhausted, so I decided to leave and come home to sleep. Saturday I slept in, and after waking up enjoyed cuddling with the cats and was happy to not have anywhere I needed to be. Around 10:00 Jacey came by for a quick visit. It was nice to see her. It's really nice to have some 'family' so close. Saturday afternoon I left here to head up to visit Meg. She had invited me up for fajitas, margaritas, and canasta. We had a great visit. We realized that we hadn't seen each other since late spring! That is awful! We made up for lost time. It was great to catch up and Meg beat me at a game of canasta... (Out of the 6 games we played!) It was a lot of fun!
I got home today and did some errands, hit the gym, and came home. It was nice to have a weekend that was friend focused. I need to do that more.
Next weekend Jill is coming to visit. I am excited to see her and am sure we will have some stories to tell!
Posted by
7:03 PM
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9:07 PM
Today I called out sick from my new job for the first time. While I know my colleagues want me to be well and encouraged me to stay home and rest, I feel guilty. There is a funeral today, for a parent of one of my students and I should go... but feel like my time outside of my house should be limited... I don't want to get others sick and also feel that if I stayed home from work, making an appearance at a funeral is probably bad form...
I started feeling bad on Sunday... worrying that I was getting bronchitis. The cold air burned my lungs and my cough left my chest on fire for minutes after... then it began to become more of a sinus issue... and I knew I was done for. The sinus infection I had this fall never really went away. After the antibiotics I still felt stuffy and on many days have taken sinus medication ... I had called my doctor at one point and asked for another round of antibiotics and was told I hadn't given it enough time to really work through my system...
Yesterday I returned to the doctor and she agreed with me that the first sinus infection never went away completely and that this time, as I got sick, my sinuses were already vulnerable and got attacked... quickly... so she diagnosed me with another sinus infection... or sinus infection part 2. This round there was more pain... and my eyes were watering... She prescribed a different antibiotic...and because I am allergic to penicillin the choices are limited... there is a chance that I may be developing a tolerance to the antibiotic she usually prescribes... and since it didn't work last time she felt she should try something else... she gave me the choice between two drugs, one of which can cause weak tendons in some cases people have ruptured their Achilles ... and I forget the side effects of the other, which sounded worse... so I opted for the tendon weakening medicine... she told me to be careful when doing mundane tasks... telling me that one of her patients sprained a finger putting his wallet back into his pocket... So I asked her about exercise and she told me that sticking to cardio for the next few weeks is probably smart, that if I do weight training to do minimal weight and reps... I asked her about snowshoeing and she said I should be fine if I don't do any jarring movements... hmm... me... jarring movements? That means that she would expect that there is some grace associated with my athletic ability. So I guess we'll see what happens...
I came home after my doctor's appointment and took the first pill and then laid down to rest... and fell asleep for about 4-5 hours... when I woke up my sinuses were very full and I tried to rest more... and later, close to midnight I guess... my sinuses hurt, not just the pressure I have felt in other sinus infections, but pain... and my eyes were watering like crazy... not sure I have experienced that before, where my eyes watered from full sinuses... seeking relief I got up, cursing the fact that there was nobody here to do it for me, and made myself some chicken soup... well ok so it was chicken ramen noodles... the closest thing to chicken soup I had here... hoping that the heat would help clear the sinuses... and it helped a little, but the pain kept me awake for a while... but when I did go to sleep, I guess around 3 a.m. I slept and slept well, until about 10:00 this morning... I woke up being able to breathe through my nose more easily than I have in days... and part of me wonders if this was just a bad cold, something that rest would take care of or if it is something that requires medication... I will continue taking the medicine because I do not want to feel like I felt last night again...
I hate being sick.. I am a lousy patient... It's one of the few times I dislike being single and living alone...Because I have felt so crappy this week, my place is a disaster... and definitely don't have the energy today to clean... I do think, however, that I have the energy to go buy a humidifier... which I think will help me get through the rest of the winter...
The silver lining, if there is one... the cats are happy to have had me home so much this week... and I have managed to keep moving.. to keep up with the 100 day challenge... though the last couple of days has been miserable and has involved short periods of pacing after getting up to get a drink or do something else... and don't tell, but I miss it... miss walking around my neighborhood and the gym...
Oh... I ordered a couple of t shirts too... One says, "World's Tallest Leprechaun" and the other says, "Does this make me look short?"
Off to get a humidifier and some sinus meds (doc said keep taking the sinus OTC meds too...)
... unless I decide to take a nap first...
Posted by
11:25 AM
Posted by
10:38 PM
After a good night last night I hoped to sleep in... and I did... after an early morning/late night phone conversation with a friend of mine... I had sent a text to him earlier in the night and he didn't get it until almost 2 a.m. for some reason and thought that I had just sent it and after it woke him up, he thought I must be up and called. It was nice to chat, but gave me even more desire to sleep late today. I woke up and guessed that it was about 8:30... I was surprised with I looked and it was 8:53. Ahhhh.. .nice... I then made myself some scrambled eggs and then got back into the warmth of my bed as I watched the Sunday morning show on CBS that I enjoy... and surfed the net a bit as I relaxed... and then decided that I needed to get going and get to the gym... While I did get my activity in yesterday by walking around a lot and also dancing at my friend's bday party... I wanted today's workout to be a little more intense .... I wanted to do the elliptical machine and set a goal for myself to do two miles in 28 minutes... which, for runners is a slow pace, a very slow pace... but I am not a runner and I have no desire to be a runner...I decided that after warming up on the rowing machine I would need to keep my pace on the elliptical right around 4.5 mph to meet my goal... and at times I went well above that and here and there dropped down to 4.3 or 4.2... but when all was said and done I did two miles in 26:30... and I was pleased. I stayed on the elliptical for a bit longer to cool down and then did some weight training with my legs... It felt good. I think that I am ready to start intensifying my workouts a bit and commit to doing a bit more than 30 minutes a day... Not sure if I told you, but Jacey is also doing the 100 day challenge! She's doing great!
I had worn a shirt to the gym today that i haven't worn in ages. It is a black t shirt and in big white letters says, "I'm with Shorty" and there is an arrow pointing to the left... Sis got it for me at some point. It has been a shirt I wear as I am lazing around my house, doing chores, and when I go to the gym... Today, as I was doing some of the weight machines for my legs I got up to get some paper towels to wipe down the machine and a guy who was on the machine close to me stopped his workout, smiled and said, "That's a great shirt." Fun! Following the gym I stopped at the grocery store and because I had not zipped my coat my tshirt was still visible... (and I was wearing shorts because it was warm enough to leave the gym that way) ..and as I was picking out some veggies, a man smiled and said to me, "Nice short..and by nice short I mean shirt." We joked about the importance of having a sense of humor in life. It was nice.
Maybe I need some other tshirts to wear to the gym... will have to think of some good sayings....One that comes to mind is this piece of art Sis had made for me years ago, which is not hanging in my office... it's a square canvas and has pictures of each of my nephews doing a pose that is attempting to make them look bigger than they were at the time, and the canvas says. "When we grow up we want to be tall like Auntee...." That would be a cute tshirt, with the image of course, and maybe a conversation starter.
I am happy that I have made it to day 53... and look forward to the next 47 opportunities to be active... and when that comes it will be March 1st and the days will be longer, and kayaking season will be closer... and I will be healthier... I am healthier than I was 53 days ago...
I also look forward to continued growth in my life, in many areas.
Got an idea for a tshirt saying for me to help me start conversations with people at the gym and elsewhere? Leave a comment!
Posted by
4:01 PM
Posted by
11:55 PM
Posted by
9:11 PM
Yesterday a friend of mine had invited me to go to the movies with her and a couple of her friends. They were going to go see Les Miserables... and while I liked the film, I didn't want to see it again, yet... and told her I was grateful for the invitation, but would pass this time but that I hoped she and I could see each other soon... she offered for me to bring my snowshoes to her house today to trod around her yard and have lunch. Being unsure about how I would feel after yesterday's adventure, wondering if I would be sore I asked if we could play the snowshoeing by ear but still get together. She then suggested yoga. You may remember I have found a place to do yoga that I didn't hate... yet there is still part of me that has this weird block about it... Yoga looks relaxing, but is a lot of work... but I agreed to go and we planned on having lunch afterwards.
I woke up this morning and there was a dusting of snow. and it sounded windy. I got myself ready and headed to the yoga studio where I ran into a parent of one of the kids in my school. My friend arrived and we began catching up a bit... she has some tough things going on in her life. The yoga class began and I am envious of the people for whom these movements and poses are easy. Eventually perhaps, if I go more often, the moves would become less fragmented... At the beginning of the class, the instructor asks us each to think of an intention... something we could apply to the class, to something for the week ahead or the year... an intention... I like that... my intention was to make it through the yoga class without feeling like a circus elephant balancing on a bowling ball. I doubt I will ever be an elegant yoga- doer. I stretched and sweat and managed to not feel like a pachyderm... I modified some of the moves... like kneeling... in some of the movements you are supposed to sit on your feet while kneeling. My left knee, my pvns knee, doesn't bend far enough for me to do that. I modified as needed and the instructor at one point came over and asked if I wanted a suggestion for a modification and I did... she had me move to a position where I was on my back with my legs in the air bending one knee over the other in a way to get a similar stretch... it was nice. Following yoga I do feel good, my body feels like I have lengthened and stretched it... so then we went to lunch at a nearby restaurant. It was nice to spend time talking with my friend and hearing all she is enduring. She asked me how I was doing and my hopes for 2013. I told her that I was hoping for more happiness... and told her I was doing well. I also hope that in 2013 I embrace things that take me a bit out of my comfort zone, like snowshoeing and more yoga... she told me about an author she enjoys reading... whose name escapes me at the moment... but one of this person's message is that the things in life from which we grow the most are the challenges/activities/adventures about which we have both excitement and a bit of fear... I like that... and think I need to use that in 2013.
Leaving the restaurant met with sunshine. The sky had cleared and it was warm. (Warmish, for winter anyway!) and I decided to stop at the place that ha been my backup snowshoe location for yesterday... and explored a bit. I think it will be a nice place to go and I hope to get there maybe next weekend, if weather cooperates. I am going to be a bit picky about when I go. I don't want to be cold. Then once I got home I decided to go for a walk. I wanted to go someplace where I could buy smartwool socks for my next snowshoeing adventure.. and when the running store closest to my house didn't have any I decided to walk to a store that was a bit further from my house. And, I decided to wear my new boots to see how they worked and to break them in a bit. I was pleased that they were very comfortable and supportive and I think they will be better for snowshoeing. I'm not sure how far I walked, I would guess probably 2.5 miles or so, but as I got close to home I could feel my legs getting a bit tired... I think more from the yoga than from the walking... It felt good to be active today and if I don't sleep tonight, something is definitely wrong!
I hope the weekend was filled with adventure for those seeking adventure and relaxation for those who wanted to relax... I feel lucky I got a bit of both!
2013 is off to a great start!
Posted by
5:01 PM
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5:51 PM
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9:32 PM