
Packing & Trashing...

So.. while I wait to see what the universe has in store for me as far as job stuff... I am packing... and purging... I am going to get a new job for next year... in fact, I have decided that I will get a minimum of two phone calls this week to schedule interviews.  With a new job, I will move.. even if my new job keeps me in this area, I want a new place to live.  (And, on the slight chance that I do not get a new job, I will look for a new place to live in early fall... )  I need change... and that includes a new place to live.  This apartment has been a place to live... but it has never felt like home... it was a place I moved into when Mom was diagnosed with cancer, when my then landlord was moving into the apartment I was renting, causing me to need to move out... so this place... was a safety net... and I want more.  So... starting to pack is a move in that direction... also it is time to purge, to get rid of things... today I went through some boxes that have been taking up space in my spare room...boxes filled with graduate work, school papers, and other stuff... and I decided I don't want that stuff anymore... so I tossed it.  When I visited my aunt back in April, for one of the interviews, I picked up a couple of boxes of dishes that my other aunt had packed for me... a set that belonged to my grandmother who always wanted me to have them... today I repacked them so that they will do well in a big move.  They are so pretty.  It was nice to look through all the pieces.  I also packed up some of the glassware that I had taken from my other grandmother's house after she died... I packed up board games, photographs... and even took some things off my walls because there was room in the boxes for more stuff... I feel like I got a good start... and as I was going through things, I threw out a lot.  my trash can outside is overflowing.  I also was doing some laundry today... and my dryer requires two cycles to get clothes dry, so I had a rule for myself....whenever I came up the stairs without clothes, I had to bring other things up... So... from my basement I brought up 12-15 flower pots and some other gardening stuff that I will see if any coworkers want and if not will give to goodwill... I also brought up my walker and my crutches... The walker and crutches moved here with me even though I moved here almost a couple years after surgery... there was part of me that felt like I would need them again...  and that keeping them would also mean that I would trick the universe... if I had them, I somehow believed that I wouldn't need them again... but.. today I decided enough is enough... and they are leaving...

I think that I am going to pack up a lot of stuff...even dishes... keep out a few plates, bowls, and pots and pans... but pack most everything else... or get rid of it.  I have a couple of plates that have chips in them... time to get rid of them... Also, as I was doing laundry today, I am separating things... clothes that are too big in one bin gym clothes in another, and clothes that I just don't like anymore are going to goodwill...

There are things right now that I can't control... mainly the job thing... but... I can do so many other things in my life to make change and get me where I want to be... eventually... simplifying... it's time...

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My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place