
A first...

Living on my own... there are a few things I ALWAYS have... always... my cell phone... my wallet... and my keys.

My plan for the day was to go to work, have a pretty intense meeting at the end of the day, then help my friend and neighbor, Sheila, pick up some patio furniture at a store, come home and have dinner, then head to school to prepare for two intense meetings I have tomorrow. All was going well... Tonight I left my apartment to drive to school to finish some paperwork...as I approached my truck I reached into my pocket for my keys... I knew they were there because I had felt them before leaving my apartment to make sure... and pulled out... my school keys! NOOOOOO! Are you kidding me? Never have I done that...at any apartment I have rented... so I walked all around my building strategizing on how I could get in... nothing worked... so I gave in and called my landlord...and left a message... on her cell.... AND at her house.... no answer... so I sat outside... my friend Sheila and her husband walked by with their four dogs and wondered why I was perched on the stairs... they kept walking and I started scheming. I thought about getting into the mudroom... the window is kind of far off the ground... and the screen was pretty secure. I found a paperclip size thing and was able to safely remove the screen with no damage... then I moved a chair under the window, opened the window...and... well... got my BFA (Big Fat Ass) through the window and into another chair I have in the mudroom. I am sure it was funny to watch... not easy.. but I got in... and got to my keys... phew. NUTS... now I am way behind... I still have paperwork to do for my second meeting tomorrow.. but it will get done...

So... apparently I am acrobatic... HA!!! I am lucky that I didn't hurt myself. I told my dad about it and am pretty sure he is still laughing. Crazy!

PS The party was good... I forgot to take pictures. The apartment is coming along. Today I found curtains for my living room and bedroom... which helped me to decide which decorations will go where.

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My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place