
Seeing with your heart...turning out the light...

I stumbled across some beautiful artwork by Canida Maurer at http://www.artfromarchetype.com BEAUTIFUL work there! Go see it! I wanted to use one of the images for this post, but did not have permission...so I am sending you to her site... look at the one entitled All-Seeing Heart. Beautiful.

I found her site when I googled something like seeing heart... because I have been thinking a lot about the connection between our hearts and what we see... what our hearts see in people and what their hearts see in us...thinking about the goodness I see in the hearts of the people around me...the people who care about me... who love me...

How can we see with our hearts? How can we not? How do we see what people need? How do we know what people need? Our hearts tell us... our instincts...

I hope that my heart has led me towards seeing what people need and helping them...I feel that my heart is one of my strengths and helps me help kids... but I am not as good at having my heart tell me what I need...when I need help... why is it that our hearts see things so clearly in others yet blurs our own reflections? This week I have been overwhelmed... my heart has been overwhelmed at people whose hearts have seen what I may need... and who have acted upon those visions... and who were/are right... I'm not used to being on the receiving end of seeing hearts... and it is uncomfortable...yet comforting... uncomfortable for the fact that I don't like to recognize that others can see my weaknesses or needs or know when I am not ok... I like to be seen as handling things well...as strong... it's comforting because I need people and don't like to tell people I need them... so when they see that I need them... when their hearts see that...I am comforted...

I think our hearts have 20/20 vision.

It reminds me of a Shel Silverstein poem entitled "No Difference." I believe I have quoted it here before... but want to do so again...
"Small as a peanut,
Big as a giant,
We're all the same size
When we turn off the light.

Rich as a sultan,
Poor as a mite,
We're all worth the same
When we turn off the light.

Red, black, or orange,
Yellow or white,
We all look the same
When we turn off the light.
So maybe the way
To make everything right
Is for God to just reach out
And turn off the light!"

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