

When I get sick, it usually ends up in a sinus infection... and in the last couple of years when I head to the doctor's office, convinced that I have a sinus infection, she has made me try some over the counter medicine first and if things don't improve she then gives me antibiotics.  About three weeks ago I began to get a cold.  Immediately my sinuses filled and I immediately went to the pharmacy to get some over the counter meds for it.  It helped... but then I was having a hard time sleeping at night because of a cough from post nasal dripping... so then I added a cough syrup, which I hate taking!  After a while I had a day where I felt better and stopped taking the sinus stuff and paid for it... so finally on Friday I went to the doctor.  (I had tried to get in to see her earlier in the week, but she was booked...)  And guess what? Sinus infection.

Since taking the antibiotics I feel a lot better.  I had not realized how low my energy had gotten.  I was literally coming home and immediately lying down and would try to sleep, which was hard... The antibiotics are working and I am so grateful for that.  I also asked my doctor about whether or not I should see an ear, nose, throat specialist... because  my sinuses are always full.  I hate it.. even when I am healthy I am stuffy... She wasn't opposed to the idea, so we'll see what happens.

So, this weekend I was able to do a little more socializing than I have been able to do.  Friday night I went to the First Friday Art Walk with a woman I am just getting to know.  She moved here about a year ago, from Denver.  I used to work with her mom, so we have been introduced a few times, but this was the first time we had hung out without her mom.  It was good.  Yesterday I had intended to do some cooking and cleaning... I was so lazy yesterday morning... and I needed it... later I did get a little cleaning done, but then, in the afternoon a friend called and we met for a drink at the bar that is in between our houses.  I love being able to do that, meeting  one of my friends so easily.  After that, having had one drink, I felt a little lightheaded... yes, cheap date... probably the result of not eating much lately, being tired, and the antibiotics... so instead of coming home and being productive... I came home, made dinner, and fell asleep watching television.

Today I woke up early, well, 8:00 ish... which had we not turned the clocks back would have been 9... and decided I wanted to bake.  I needed to make pumpkin rolls... one for a coworker who did me a favor, and one for next weekend... when I am hosting a pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving.  Sis had asked if she and the boys could come visit and suggested doing a Thanksgiving dinner and of course we had to invite Dad, Betty, and Jacey.  It's going to be fun.  I can't believe that it is getting close to Thanksgiving, but it is true!  I am very excited to have everyone over, for a holiday.  It will be nice to all be together.

I have a secret.  Which will no longer be a secret after posting it here... but.. here it is.. I am very excited about Christmas this year... I am excited to decorate, excited to play music... it's very strange.  I have not decorated for Christmas since... well... 2007... because 2008 was spent in the hospital with Mom... 2009 was a blur... Dad and I went to visit his family for lunch... but I don't really remember much else about that holiday season... 2010 it still felt like too much work to do... and last year... I had decided I really didn't want to be in my apartment anymore... I may have brought out the small ceramic tree that I have, and did get out the Santa slate Mom painted, but that was about it... this year... I have already bought decorations... new decorations, that will look great with my decor in the living room... crazy bright colors... and I can't wait.  Today, as I was doing things around here, specifically doing a lot of laundry and putting away the clean laundry I hadn't put away in the last couple of weeks because I was so tired... I watched television... and watched some of those cheesy Hallmark Channel Christmas movies... yes, yes I did.  I admit, that recently when I walked into a store that had Christmas decorations up before Halloween was even over, I didn't mind... I'm not sure what that means.... but I may be Fa- la - la - la- la-ing more than usual... be prepared.

So this week... is a big week in America... we elect our next president... I rarely post my political stance, because I feel it is something that is private, and as an educator have been mindful to keep my politics to myself.  However, here, this year, with this election... I must put it out there... I am voting for Obama.  I think that he came into office when a lot of damage has been done and don't think four years would begin to be enough time to overcome the Bush years... but beyond that... Romney is someone whose views on women and women's rights are not only surprising, but frightening.  Potentially two supreme court justices will be appointed during the next four years... and if Romney has his way, he will work to reverse Roe v. Wade... he does not think women have the right to choose, unless their lives are in danger or if someone has been raped.  He doesn't feel that insurances should cover the cost of birth control... and I get the impression he feels that a woman's place is in the kitchen.  Romney doesn't get it... to tell people considering college to simply borrow money from their parents is so out of touch with reality.  If people's parents had the means to send them to college, does he not think they would? I don't know Romney's history, how he grew up, and I won't take the time to research that... but I think he was a kid who didn't shop at Kmart for his school clothes and shoes... that when he bought sneakers his father didn't assess the fit for a good 15 minutes to make sure that it was a shoe he could wear now, but also had some room to grow, so that the shoes would last longer... I'm pretty sure he drank Pepsi or Coke instead of Cola or Shasta and had Cheerios instead of toasted oats... I don't think his family had to save for several years to be able to afford to go to Disney... Maybe Barack didn't have those experiences either, but I feel like he understands it more... where Romney may say he understands how people who are facing poverty feel... I don't believe him... I don't think he has any intention of helping the middle class and no intention of helping the lower class... He thinks it is fair that he pays a lower tax percentage than I do... when he makes millions...
I hope people vote, and I hope people vote for Obama.  

How's that for a random post?

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My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place