

So after my walk with some slight jogging Sunday, my asthma flaired up... and I didn't think much of it....went to Zumba Monday, then Tuesday while I was at work I felt kind of sick and dizzy... but felt better as the day went on... I ended up staying home yesterday because I was just exhausted and feeling like a sinus infection was starting to develop... today I got up and went into work and after several coworkers told me how bad I looked, how horrible I sounded, I checked in with the school nurse who suggested I go to the doctor...mostly because my peak flow (breathing test) was kind of low... so I was able to get into my doctor...and today I felt more like bronchitis was on the horizon than a sinus infection... I got on the scale at her office and she was very impressed that I was down 15 lbs, since last seeing her... then she told me that I definitely have sme kind of virus, but that it was not yet any kind of sinus infection or bronchitis...but she said that if I don't take care of myself, it could easily head that way... so she told me that in addition to my regular daily inhaler, I need to use my emergency inhaler until my breathing is better under control... she also said I needed to get mucinex, and need to lay low... the last part of the prescription is the hardest for me...laying low... but I came home and was able to rest this afternoon, actually slept for 4.5 hours and am still tired. so I am hoping I will be able to head to bed early tonight and wake up tomorrow feeling much better.
So much for my training schedule this week!

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