
Sinuses shminuses...

So.. After a long weekend of not feeling well, I went to see my doctor today.  She wasn't sure if I have yet another sinus infection or if my allergies are just really bad... Since I have tried taking some allergy stuff with no relief, I think there is the beginning of an infection...
I thought a lot about it this weekend... About my sinuses... No went back through this past year... Well school year... I went to the doctor in November, and December, AND January... Ad each time I was put on antibiotics for sinus infections... I think about when my sinuses were Caesar.. Oh wait... I don't remember that... Ever. Well not in a long time at least.
I thought back to when I returned to the dentist after a long hiatus and at the time felt like I was breathing well and was very surprised when they did the whole head X-ray and told me how full my sinuses were... Tat it was ncommon and they recommend I mentioned it to my doctor... Which I had done at the time and she didn't think much of it.. The dentist also told me that based on my gums, he could tell that I am a 'mouth breather' at night.. Apparently people who breathe through their mouths at night have lighter colored gums in the front of their mouths... So.. That means I am not breathing well at night... I think about how many times I wake up in the night with one side of my sinuses feeling blocked so I switch the side I am sleeping on to try to get relief... I think about when I am active, I breathe through my mouth...
So... Today I pleaded with my doctor and she gave in... Giving me a referral to see a specialist! Yahoo! The appointment is not set up yet, but I am hoping to get answers.  My doc today said she does wonder if it is a structural thing... Because it doesn't ever seem to be more one so than the other... She put me on amtibiotics today... Saying that even if it isn't an infection the drugs will help clean things out so that when I do meet with a specialist my sinuses will be a bit more open that they are now... Here's hoping for answers! (Sis has always told me I have a little nose...maybe there is something to that! )

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