
A story

I have a lot to share and more pictures of course...but will do that this weekend...but I forgot to post a funny story...
Tuesday  Dad and Betty were having septic issues... That we're later resolved... But as that process was unfolding, there was a stench in the air near the septic tank.  The boys had been pretty oblivious to what was happening.  When we were getting outside for the first time the boys were pretty excited... As we left the house Jack, in a tone of disgust, asked,"what's that smell?" ..... Without missing a beat my sweet innocent  Davin, whose excitement had clearly overridden his olfactory analysis, ays, "It's the smell of fun!"

Oh man...that makes me laugh all over again as I type this.

It's the smell of fun! Love that kid.

1 comment:

Brian, Jill, Ava & Andrew said...

Hahaha! That's one way to look at it. :) Sounds like a fun vacation!

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