
It has not been uneventful!

So we are in the midst of week two of school and.. it has not been uneventful! 

I find it is hard to share as much here  about my job as I used to because so much of what I do is so specific to kids that I battle whether or not I am violating confidentiality laws... I can say that the relationships with kids remain the heart of what I do.  Seeing 'my' kids in the building is something that makes me smile... I see them in the halls and some of them act too cool to be tight with their AP (Assistant principal) but others smile widely, offer an inconspicuous nod, and others give me a shout out and the most bold, demand a fist bump or high five... Today, however, I am sure they were offering some other gestures... perhaps giving me the bird was their top choice!  Today... it was 90 degrees with about a one thousand percent humidity!  It was miserable.  Miserable.  To my staff's credit, they kept teaching, they kept kids engaged, and the kids behaved pretty well... the crux? Dress code violations... I shake my head at what kids wear to school.  There are some male offenders, but many, if not most, are the females.  Today, was also the day where kids have their photos taken which means the dress code is already being tested... I try not to be too over the top when I talk to kids about their clothing... but did have to say to a male student... nobody wants to see your nipples! And to a female student... the ONLY place those shorts would be even remotely, appropriate, would be the beach on top of a bathing suit and even then it would be questionable.  Most students, when addressed are respectful and most actually admit that they debated about whether or not they should wear it or that their parents told them they would get busted for what they were wearing... but then there are the others... entitled.. Quote of the day: "Well, I don't wear Abercrombie and Fitch!"  From a student who, after being caught the second time in one day with the same inappropriate shirt on. (The first time she assured me she would change!) We have some t shirts we dole out to kids who are inappropriately dressed and they are brand name for goodness sake.. but she... turned up her nose because she doesn't wear that brand.  Get over yourself!  As the other assistant principal would say.. she messed with the bull and she got the horns!!!  Dress code is a tricky thing.... for male teachers and administrators... more so when the student is a female.. so I get to take that on in our building.  I am sure that my name will be on twitter and facebook tonight!  Oh well!  A couple of staff members thanked me today for taking it on... well.. I can't just sit by while kids dress like that!  I wish I could take pictures and send them to parents, but that would not be a good idea. (Since our policy says we cannot photograph people who expect a certain level of privacy...) 

One of my regular kids came to me this week... he is so trying to be a good kid, but his life has so many roads down which he could travel that lead to trouble... I wish I could just rescue these kids... show them that there are neighborhoods where kids don't beat each other up, where drugs are not part of the every day life and culture... where doing well in life is appreciated... he is putting so much energy in avoiding the bad  he can't see how to move towards the good... I am glad he talks to me... I love my job.. but always feel there is more I should be able to do...

Learned this week that one of our kids is homeless... essentially... couch surfing... a different place each night... without money... without food... so I am rallying the troops to see what we can do... got her free lunch at school... getting her some public bus passes... trying to get a decent backpack for her to use to carry her clothes and toiletries around in... and making sure she can have her basic needs met so she can focus on school and graduating.  I was so lucky growing up... so so lucky. 

My goal this year is to find better balance... work and life outside of work... so far so good... more or less!  I am working to meet some new people trying to not just head straight home after work.. although I am wiped out tonight, think I am getting a cold... and while I don't want a cold.. am curious to see if it comes and goes or if it becomes an infection... I head back to the doc next week to check in and see how things are going. 

I can't remember if I posted this here or not.. but I have a roommate... sort of... a woman from my hometown is now teaching at a local college and is in this area a few days a week.  She needed a place to stay and since I have an extra room and am so busy much of the time it is a good arrangement.  She has experience with school administration and I think we will have some great conversations. 

When I started writing I anticipated there being so much more... but that's all I got for tonight... 

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