
PVNS on my mind...

I am waiting for my doctor's office to call me... my local doctor. I have an upcoming appointment in Boston, in June, to check my knee for PVNS. I have no reasons to believe that it is back, but some knee pain a few weeks ago made me raise my eyebrow a little... the pain has since subsided and think that it was because of having a couple week stretch without much activity and also the weather...

But it has been almost two years since my last pvns-free MRI, and it is time to go through the process of getting the MRI pre-approved through insurance, getting the referral to my Boston doctor from my primary care doctor approved by the insurance company. I called them last week, my insurance company... because since last going to Boston I have switched primary care doctors... so I wanted to make sure that I jump through all the necessary hoops before my June appointment.

It should go off without a hitch. SHOULD being the key word. In the past, this process has not been without obstacles. When I called my doctor's office I spoke with my doctor's assistant and explained to her what needs to happen before June. She had my file in front of her, but like most people, even medically trained folks, was unfamiliar with PVNS. I told her that this appointment and process causes me some anxiety and explained that my old doctor's office did not handle things well. She assured me that she will be on top of it and will keep me in the loop, saying she will call me this week.

This summer will be four years since surgery...very hard to believe. I have been lucky so far... and am going to think that when I see my doctor in June, he will say, you are good to go... you don't need to come back unless you have problems again...

Fingers crossed!

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