
Fall Paddling... and some de-stressing

To say that work has been stressful would be an understatement... no, that's not true... it would be a HUGE understatement.  I'm not gonna lie... there have been days that have been hard and I have asked if I am in the right place... but then I have those moments... like the kid who went camping (and loved it!)... or the card from a parent thanking me for talking with her and her son, for my approach on difficult topics, and for the difference I am making with the kids... and her gratitude that I am her kid's assistant principal... 
But there is stress... much of it... in addition to the day to day things... I have been asked to be on a district committee... and some very, I hope, atypical events have happened this year... (fearing a major safety incident at a home football game, a thorough investigation after serious allegations, and much more physical altercations than last year...)  So it has been a lot... 

My goals for the year were to eat lunch daily... I would say I am at about 85% on that one... usually at least snacking... and finding better balance... life outside of work...(kayaking, socializing, dating, etc.)  and I think I am succeeding at that as well... though there is still room for growth... 

Today I did have a commitment for work... in early afternoon... but the morning and evening were all mine!  
I intended to get on the water around 7 a.m.... but I was about an hour behind that... but... I got there... 

I got to my spot, unloaded the kayak form my truck... loaded my gear into the kayak (paddle, camera, towel, socks, water, etc.)  got in the kayak... dried off my feet & legs, put on my warm socks... and realized I had forgotten my life jacket... took off my socks got out, went to get my life jacket.. grumbling all the way... and returned to my kayak and repeated the drying of the feet routine and put on my socks... 

There were a lot of ducks on the river... I keep hoping one day I will get a great picture of them as they are taking off, but I haven't done it yet... this was the best I got today.. and it's blurry... 

 I love the seasons of kayaking... the spring the trees and bushes are bare... and things are beginning to get green... the summer things are lush.. and in the fall, much of the foliage disappears... and allows other things to become the focus... 

Most of the trees were bare... and I was a bit worried it may bot be a day with much color.. but I found some... 

And I was on the water early enough to get good reflections... 

This nest (Wasp or hornet?) was floating down the river.. I have seen many of these nests along the river... (Saw three today including this one.) 

Sorry Jill, my toes were covered... but... they are purple... like my socks! 

 I love this picture... not sure why.. something delicate about it... 

Also really like this picture... 

This leaf was not alone as it sailed down the river...

 As a wise friend recently told me... "Look Up!"

This log had lots of lichen and fungus... I was intrigued...

It may have been right about here where I felt some stress leave my body... 

A nest... still in the trees... but for how long??? (I found another one in the water later!) 

She is still standing... now naked... I said my good bye to her, for the season... I adore this tree... 

The golden leaves shimmered as the wind blew them today... hard to capture in a picture.. 

Another nest... almost in pristine condition... 

I scooped it up.. thinking one of my teacher friends may want it...  

The tunnel...

reflection... couldn't get into the other side of the tunnel... either the water was lower or the beavers have begun rebuilding their dam...as there were some small logs in the way. 


Blurry pic, but this spider appeared on the nest... and I was nervous... I think that is a spider that can jump... (not sure why I think that, but as I moved my paddle by him he shrunk back a bit as if he was going to then attack!)  
I did not like it!  But as my mom used to say... panicking over  a spider would be a stupid way to tip over a kayak.. so... I did what any rational person would do... paddled close to shore and broke of a short stick... to use to defend myself in case the spider decided to attack... it disappeared after that picture... and I was a bit nervous. 

Fungi... this mushroom actually looked a little fun... the shape of it.. (I hate fungi!) 

The sun was so bright today... I found myself, several times, looking up at it, closing my eyes, and letting it warm my face... I wish our days would not get shorter..
I am hoping to paddle again tomorrow... 

Last night's moon is also worth posting:  

Then there was my evening... time with some friends!  I had not seen Kris and Suellen for a long time.  It was great to see them.  We went to Freeport, walked around the village and then had dinner.  We sat for a long time at our table and had great conversation along with some great laughs... at one point we think we were shushed by people at the bar nearby... did it stop our laughter? Nope.  It wasn't even 8 pm... I would hope in a similar situation, I would have smiled and thought, it is nice to see some women enjoying time together, enjoying life! We were.. I was.. I am... enjoying life... 

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