
Back on the water!

I decided today was going to be a kayaking day... and while I was nervous that the bending and lifting may be too much for my little nose... I also felt confident that I would be okay... there has been minimal blood in the sinus rinses and drainage... and as it worked out... I was right.. All was fine.. I admit I did get a little fuzzy, borderline dizzy after unloading them, but it went away quickly... and I was able to enjoy a day of paddling.  I went to a place I had been only once before and when I went there last time I took very few pictures.. that was not the case today!  I took 326 pictures, literally.. not kidding... here are a few for your viewing pleasure... toes and all!  

Something about this picture I love... 

This is Alyssa, one of my friends... we had a nice time together today. 

Clamshells... hmm.. wonder if there are otters around! 

Yes.. she is texting... (she is a person that needs sooo badly to unplug... and she had unplugged moments today... but.. she also found time to text... )  I prefer unplugging.. with the exception of sending a few strategic people pictures to let them know I am on the water and they should be jealous!  :-) 

not my kayaks.. but liked seeing them all lined up. 

One of my final petunias.. I think... 

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My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place