
Three Years Ago... today

Three years ago today I had surgery... to remove the diffuse pvns tissue from my left knee. That surgery was a pivotal moment for me. I had been in so much pain for a long time from the effects of pvns and was not only physcially in bad shape, I was emotionally exhausted. The days and weeks leading to the surgery caused mixed emotions in me, fear of course, who wants to have surgery? And fear that it wouldn't help.... Optimism, something I had not felt in a long time before that, that my knee may one day feel good and be strong... the day of surgery was easy on me, I was so drugged up that when I woke up I apparently asked why there was no Celtics player in my hospital bed with me... and the lovely epideral that was effecting the right side of my body more than the left so I kept pumping myself full of narcotics to alleviate the pain... the following days were tough, figuring out how to move and eventually stand. From there, I got home and the physical therapy really got going. There were hard days, MANY hard days... my parents were with me for a while to help out and my mom... she was there in the moments when I really did not want to get out of bed, when I really wanted to canncel the physical therapy appointment for the day... she kept me going... The physical therapy was painful, very painful as were the incisions... but looking back now... ALL worth it... ALL completely worth it. From what I have read and from what I have seen posted on the PVNS page on facebook, I am the exception to the rule. Thus far I have not had signs of recurrance and have been able to return to my 'normal' routine including being active.

Today, on my third anniversary of surgery I worked in the toll booths... the very hot and humid toll booth...and afterwards I met up with my friend, Sara, to go for a walk. We walked one of my favorite trails, walking about 3.5 miles. I was happy with that today given the heat and humidity... and I feel good about doing something active to celebrate my health...

I often think about other people who suffer with pcns, but more so today... and my heart goes out to everyone who has battled pvns, who have had surgery, and who have had recurrance... and about people being newly diagnosed... the road is different for everyone... and I know how lucky I have been.

Thanks to all who have supported me along the way! Today, I am GRATEFUL!

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