
The Power of Zumba!

I am home from the Zumba party! Wow! It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. The schedule for the day went something like this... 1:00 - 1:45 Zumba, 1:50 - 2:10 Salsa & Samba, 2:15 - 3:00 Zumba, 3:00 - 3:20 Belly dancing, 3:25 - 4:40 Zumba, 4:40-5:00 line dancing...(not country!) My thoughts going into this today was to just listen to my body, go when I could go and stop when I needed to... As it worked out I kicked ass! I danced EVERY song, except two... one of which is a routine that I knew, and that irritates my knee and the other was the final line dance of the day and my legs were done... There were about 10 Zumba instructors who each taught 3-4 songs at a time... most of whom I had never taken a class with... I am really proud of myself...really proud... the coolest part of the day though... was that I found myself dancing... not just following steps... I found myself feeling the music, even when I made mistakes, I felt like I was dancing... I loved it! The facility that hosted us today is a dance studio, fairly new to the area... and it was beautiful. their motto is "inspiring left feet." I like that. Another great part of the day was how I began to understand more of why I love Zumba... I have always loved it for the music and the movement... but as I watched the people there today, mostly women, I was inspired to see the variety of ages, probably age 10 - age 65, the variety of body types, the variety of dance ability, and the commonality of movement and confidence... it was a beautiful experience.... but I AM tired... I may not go to the gym in the morning... :-)

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